This photograph shows the Batton "captured" in a triangular rig
using 1/4" aircraft cable. The view is down, from the catwalk, looking at
the stage floor, Stage Right.

Here, the ends of the cables attached to solid points on the catwalk
on the Stage Right side of the batton.

The cables on the come-a-long side attach to the pipe using double instrument
Both ends of
the pipe use the same clamp configuration. Care must also be taken that
other equipment in the fly space, (lights, screens, soft goods, etc) are flown
out above the secured pipe. Even when well rigged, the pipe may sway up
and down stage while the dancers use the trapeze..

The attachment point of Stage Right, showing the come- a-long.
Two are shown here, as there are two battons rigged in this photograph.
Each pipe is individually secured. Generally, each trapeze hangs on its
own pipe.

This image shows a close up of the attachment point of the come along.
The come-a-long is only used on one point. If placed correctly, its
tension will pull on all three other cables, locking the pipe in place.
Additional securing may be necessary at the pin rail, if the theatre fly
system uses "floating" pulleys and blocks. Each line set is
also double snubbed.

Dancers on the trapeze, from above.